Comparing Swarm Technologies and Astrocast satellite IoT providers

March 28, 2022

Comparing Swarm Technologies and Astrocast satellite IoT providers

When it comes to the Internet of Things (IoT) and satellite communication, two companies are often thrust into the spotlight: Swarm Technologies and Astrocast. Both providers offer IoT services that are enabled by satellite technology. In this post, we will compare them to see what they offer, how they are similar or different, and how they stack up against each other.

Swarm Technologies

Swarm Technologies is a provider of low-cost satellite communications for IoT devices. They offer a network of over 150 satellites in low Earth orbit, providing coverage for IoT devices globally. Swarm Technologies is known for its low-cost hardware and data plans. With a cost-effective pricing strategy and scalable services, they have become a popular choice for many companies.


  • Global coverage
  • Cost-effective pricing
  • Low-power devices
  • Scalable services


Swarm Technologies has a flexible pricing plan, offering options for data and hardware, as well as plans for small and large deployments. Their pricing plans start as low as $0.10 per month per device.


Astrocast is another satellite IoT provider that offers global connectivity to IoT devices. They use a constellation of nanosatellites to provide coverage, including hard-to-reach areas. Astrocast's focus is on delivering a reliable, low-cost IoT solution that can operate in remote regions.


  • Global coverage, including remote regions
  • Low-power devices
  • Two-way communication


Astrocast offers a flexible pricing plan, starting at $0.50 per month per device. They also offer discounts for large deployments.


When comparing Swarm Technologies and Astrocast, both companies offer similar features, such as global coverage and low-power devices. However, Astrocast also offers two-way communication, which is not available with Swarm Technologies. Swarm Technologies, on the other hand, offers lower pricing plans than Astrocast.

Comparing the pricing plans, we can see that Swarm Technologies offers more cost-effective pricing plans than Astrocast. This could make Swarm Technologies a popular choice for small to medium-sized IoT deployments.

Overall, both Swarm Technologies and Astrocast offer reliable and cost-effective satellite IoT solutions. When making a decision, it's important to consider your specific requirements and the pricing plans of both companies.


Satellite IoT is rapidly becoming an essential technology for companies that require reliable, global connectivity. Swarm Technologies and Astrocast are two leading providers in this field, and both offer reliable and cost-effective solutions. By comparing their features and pricing, you can make an informed decision regarding which provider best suits your needs.


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